Boundary Disputes
A boundary dispute can arise when adjacent owners disagree on the location or
ownership of the boundary line.
Typically, boundary lines are represented by fences, walls, hedges, pathways and driveways all of which can be moved over time or become obscured.
Whilst the legal boundary line may be set out in a Title Plan from the Land Registry with a large scale Ordinance Survey map these are often too vague or imprecise to resolve the dispute.
We will visit the site and inspect the boundary, look at all the legal documents and any historical documents and prepare a report providing you with an expert opinion on where the boundary should be.
If the parties agree with the findings of the report we can then provide a Boundary Agreement which will be supplied to the Land Registry and recorded on the register. This is to prevent any going back on the agreement and provide certainty for successors in title.
Please contact us to see how we can help and details of our charges on 07776 181202 or info@mjforeman.co.uk
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M J Foreman & Co | Call Us On 07776 181202